what happens when you don’t have a marketing strategy?

Having a marketing strategy is absolutely essential for any business to be able to reach the right people, communicate with them effectively and ultimately, drive sales.

> Here’s what happens when you DON’T have a marketing strategy in place.

 1. You don’t know who your target market is.

You can't run a successful business without knowing who you're targeting.

If you haven’t got a clear marketing strategy, you don’t have a clear understanding of your market. This means you have little to no understanding of what your target market wants, how they think and how best to speak the language.

The result of this is that you end up putting all of your efforts into producing content or utilising marketing channels that don’t resonate with the people who will want to actually buy your product.

2. You don’t stand out from your competitors.

A key part of any marketing strategy is to take a deep dive into your competitors. If you don’t know what they are doing well, what they aren’t doing so well and what is and isn’t working for them, how can you position yourself to stand out and succeed?  

3. You spend money on the wrong channels.

Without a solid marketing strategy, you could find yourself investing lots of money or resources into channels that won’t reach your target market. Imagine investing time and budget into PPC, newspaper advertising, paid social and TikTok only to find out Radio and TV would have been way more beneficial for your market.

4. You have no idea what works and what doesn’t.

Without a marketing strategy, you do not have SMART goals. Without SMART goals, you do not know if the things you are doing are driving results. What is your current conversion rate? Is it what you were hoping for? What was the return on investment on your recent ad campaign? Was it as you expected?

You will never know the success of your marketing efforts until you have a killer strategy that is designed to drive real results.

Want to give it a go? Click here to read our article on how to build a killer marketing strategy or, alternatively, click here to book an initial marketing consultation with us, and we can build one for you.


I saved a local business from collapse during lockdown.


why you need a marketing strategy.